Episode 151: Inverting Lovecraft

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The works of H. P. Lovecraft have inspired a number of Black creators, from the new HBO series Lovecraft Country to the novella The Ballad of Black Tom -- but Lovecraft himself was exceptionally racist. So why are so many writers of color using his mythology to illustrate the experience of being a marginalized person? I talk with novelist Victor LaValle, novelist Premee Mohamed, Michigan State professor Kinitra Brooks, and UCR Irvine professor John Jennings about how to separate a bigoted writer from his brilliant mythology. Also featuring actor Varick Boyd.
Inverting Lovecraft transcript
  • New England is Interesting by BOPD
  • Night Music by Blue Dot Session
  • Louisiana Swamp Priests by Sono Sanctus
  • The Horror in Clay by Sono Sanctus
  • In His House of R'lyeh by Sono Sanctus
  • The Starkweather Moore Expedition by Sono Sancuts
  • ​Exham Priority by Sono Sanctus

Episode 152: Dumbledore’s Army (Updated)


Episode 150: Once and Future Comic Con